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Monday, April 11, 2011



Prophesy is the revelation of what GOD is going to do, or revealing the will of God
about the future or a future event or events.

A typical example of prophesy is when God spoke to Abraham directly about what He intended to do in his life and the steps he needed to take to position himself in circumstances that will allow God to fulfill His promises/prophecies in his life.  Gen.121-3
Many a times God speaks through a prophet to a group of people, to let them know His will about certain situations or circumstances.
Sometimes God may tell a prophet or an individual something and say it is for his or her ears only, it is not for public consumption, for example Daniels visions in chapters 7 and 8  - Daniel 826
These are all examples of Gods prophesy that can occur in the life of any individual who is a believer of the Christian faith and has chosen to walk with God.

The relevance of prophesy in our modern technological age is mainly for guidance and warning against danger. For most devout Christians, God( The Holy Spirit) tells them most times about things to come and tells them which way to go or what to do and not to do; but a lot of times we choose to ignore such guidance or warning because of our flesh or personality that is always in conflict with the Holy Spirit (God). It is to be noted that spiritual things, such as communication (prophesy) with the Almighty God, the creator of the ends of the Universe cannot be subjected to our scientific interpretations or measurements, for spiritual things are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor.214 ) Prophesy amongst believers of the Christian faith helps them to grow in the Lord, encouraging and giving them comfort. (1 Cor.143 )
The mode of communication for receiving Gods instructions (prophesy) concerning His will; may vary from individual to individual. These various modes are regarded as spiritual gifts which manifests in various degrees of clarity and effectiveness in each individual. Rarely an individual may exhibit all the modes; these are:-
  • Through Dreams: God speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. Most individuals experience this mode of communication with  God (Holy Spirit), although many a times they fail to remember their dreams or do not take them seriously when they do (Job 3315)
  • Open Vision: At times events yet to happen are shown to some individuals ‘in the twinkling of an eye’ as they fall into what can be described as a semi sleep or trance state very briefly (seconds). An example is Peter’s vision in the book of Acts 109-16 .
  • Audible Voice – This is when God speaks and you hear Him distinctly. This does happen to believers who have developed a very personal walk with the Almighty God, through living a righteous, holy life of prayer and fasting, supported by good works. An example of this is seen when God called on innocent Samuel as he took up apprentice priesthood duties with Eli the priest, in 1 Samuel 32-14 .

Prophesy can come from the following sources:-
(1) God
(2) Devil
(3) The Spirit of Man
The most outstanding feature of a true Prophesy from God is that, it usually sounds difficult to believe because invariably it does not tally with our human understanding. As a believer, you need to have FAITH in God to BELIEVE or ACCEPT it because none of our scientific laws can explain it. As previously stated, this is basically a spiritual thing and can only be understood from a spiritual point of view. Many examples abound in the Bible, one of which is Elisha’s prophesy during the great famine in Samaria and also Ezekiel’s vision and experience in the valley of dry bones. (2 Kings 71-2 , Ezekiel 371-10 )

To provoke, is to cause someone to do what he doesn’t plan to do. We desire to provoke The Almighty God to prophesy on our behalf because we know when He does, we are bound to benefit and our situation can never remain the same.

In the Bible, certain actions done by some individuals did provoke God to speak or prophesy on their behalf. Some examples are:-
  •  When Noah offered a sweet smelling sacrifice unto God, God spoke (Genesis 820-22)
  • When Abraham tried to offer Isaac as sacrifice unto God in obedience to His instruction, God spoke (Genesis 221-18)
  • After King Solomon’s burnt offerings unto God, God spoke. (2 Chronicles 16-12) 
From the forgoing we can conclude that we can provoke God to prophesy on our behalf, if we can give a quality sacrificial offering, an offering that is unusual, not necessarily money, could be serious fasting and prayer, etc. Also rededicating our lives to serve the Almighty God through our Lord Jesus Christ and giving God Intense Praises can also elicit Gods prophesy. All these are corroborated in the Holy book, the Bible. (1 Kings 1830-41, 2 Kings 315-16)


It is the DUTY of every believer to PRAY into manifestation any prophesy of God given on his or her behalf. Accepting the prophesy and not linking yourself to it through prayer and possibly fasting; the prophesy may become a mirage and unfulfilled because of opposing forces of negativity from the environment and even at times from yourself, from your unbelief and doubts. Prayer and fasting helps you to overcome theses negativities and reinforces the positive manifestation of Gods purpose in your life through the prophesy. Your modus operandi should be PUSH which is: Pray Until Something Happens.
Author: Ola Suyee

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Divine Encounter  – When God Shows Himself and Proves Himself.

TEXT: Luke 7 (12 -15)

The story in the text is, I am sure, very familiar to all of us. Here was a widow with an only son, dead and just about to be buried. She was in deep sorrow and just when she had lost all hope and was wondering why this should be her lot in life, she met the Lord and her situation immediately changed. (Today your situation will change for the better). AMEN. 

The Bible tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ when he saw the woman, He had compassion on her (v.13) and comforted her saying weep not. Here we see one of the attributes of God (COMPASSION).

Even though the woman did not personally come to Jesus to ask that her dead son be brought to life, yet our Lord could feel the grieving soul of this woman who to top it all, was also a widow, and our Lord Jesus Christ had COMPASSION on the woman, comforted her and then gave her a DIVINE MIRACLE, by bringing back to life her dead son. (Today every good thing that has died in your life and that has been causing you grief and sorrow will receive DIVINE RESURRECTION from our Lord Jesus Christ). AMEN. 

You will have a DIVINE ENCOUNTER today.

Brethren it is a great thing to have a Divine Encounter with the Lord, because whenever we do, our lives must really change for the better.

Let us look at a few examples of those who had Divine Encounter with the Lord and see what happened in each case or situation:

Gen: 32 (24-32) - Jacob wrestled with the LORD and had his name changed to Israel which means he struggles with God (v.28).

Luke 8 (43-48) - The woman with the issue of blood, received instant healing by virtue of her faith and belief.

Acts 9 (3-13) - Saul changed to Paul, by this encounter, he went on to become one of the Lords trusted Disciple who wrote over 75% of the New Testament.

Having looked at these few examples. We see that each one had a Divine Encounter with the Lord and their lives never remained the same again.


Let us conclude by singing the song (which is never sang kneeling down) - ‘Pass me not O gentle saviour, hear my humble cry, and while on others thou hath calling do not pass me by’.

Author: Sun Ade